[Compositions by Dan Plonsey]

  • Moving About, Humming, Still Our Flowers are Blooming, Under the Old Portcullis
  • Wise King Taken by the Foolish One


5 a : one of the three primary divisions into which natural objects are commonly classified -- compare
b : a major category (as Plantae or Protista) in biological taxonomy that ranks above the phylum and is the highest and most encompassing group

-- Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary

Dan Plonsey writes:

From 1999-2001, I have been at work upon a pair of sister compositions:
Moving About, Humming, Still Our Flowers are Blooming, Under the Old Portcullis
Wise King Taken by the Foolish One.

These two works comprise Volume 2 of the set of ``Music from El Cerrito,'' as performed by Daniel Popsicle and written by myself (Dan Plonsey).

In short, these two pieces are "about" kings and kingdoms, plants and animals, good and evil, and the distinctive features of El Cerrito, California, if any. They are about the primary or great division of living natural objects into the animal and plant kingdoms, and aspects of history which may be considered as developments in relations between these kingdoms, beginning with the ongoing fallout from the initial separation. This music is also (more explicitly in Wise King) about relations between certain pairs of both political and conceptual kingdoms which are metaphorically linked to those of plants and animals, e.g., the battles of "wise" versus "foolish" which play themselves out in so many arenas -- vast and miniscule -- throughout the world.

Lengthier Essays on Kingdoms of Music, Plants and Animals

Current Status

Moving About, Humming, Still Our Flowers are Blooming, Under the Old Portcullis, for musicians and miniature tableau ensemble, has had one partial performance (introduction plus sections A through E; no tableaux), and one full performance, including tableaux, (of which a private CDR exists, recorded by Michael Zelner), and also exists as a studio recording (recorded to 16-track analog tape in two sessions by Myles Boisen), mixed, mastered, and considered finished at version three, which includes a remix of section L by Robert Horton. This recording is now available on the UNlimited Sedition label as of 04/04/04.

Wise King Taken by the Foolish One has only had sections performed at Yoshi's, of which a couple appear on the CD "Jazz at Yoshi's" which is available as foxglove 086 from Digitalis. It was recorded to 16-track analog tape Jan 26, 27, 2002, by Myles Boisen, and is also available as of 09/09/06 from UNlimited Sedition.

For more information, send e-mail to: Dan Plonsey.