Rick Ames took the scenic route down the mountainside, making wreaths of passing foliage as he went. After perhaps a long time, he found that there was no more down and that he couldn't go up either. Oh shit, said Rick, for he realized that he had walked too far. He'd come down more than just the mountain and was now in a tremendous pit that was right next to the mountain. He surveyed the pit for a little while, but that grew tiring too. Rick Ames fell into a deep slumber. About the night -- the timber seemed to crash.
Morning sun was delayed, but there was Rick, out in the open ducking rocks. Rocks came pouring down the mountainslopes, and sometimes the rocks in the pit would shift too to send Rick tumbling. He thought the whole thing was funny for a while, even after a careless person lit the entire surrounding forest on fire, burning down all the trees. Rick survived by staying where the standing trees were before the fire reached them, and then when the fire did reach them, he moved to where the forest was already burned down and was now just ashes. Besides, rain put out the fire and soaked Rick to boot.
Then Rick decided to leave the pit. He couldn't. He was stuck. Don't give up, Rick; don't give it away now! No, thought Rick, I'm not licked, I'll be back again, just you wait and you want and see. You want -- you see.Rick grew clear of mind and trembled until even the solid earth's bedrock crust shook with him on it. He'll never stand up, Rick thought of himself, trying to remain objective. Let the mountain alone, Rick, just stay away from those trap doors you're always falling through. With a burst of light, Rick did fall through a trap door though and fell asleep.