Supermouse and Baby Race

Supermouse throws a spoon at Supervillain. Another good thing. Supermouse gets into his Super Rocket. He blastses off and he landses on--up up Power Rangers. Superman! Supermouse killed a his bad guys. And he got a bow and arrow and shooted it through a monster. And then Supermouse kicked a bad candy cane and all of the Power Ranger teams came and bad Butt-Ugly Martians came and then they were all fighting and then Batman and Robin and Booperman showed up and then Spiderman webbed them up and Captain Underpants just wanted to stay home, and The Hulk and Captain America came. The bad guys were all battling. A little a baby tiger and saw Batman and it was Batman's pet tiger. And he petted his little tiger. And all of the superheroes petted the little tiger. And then Spiderman's little koala came.